An eventful journey
Coming from a family of musicians, music has been a lifelong companion that has gradually shaped my soul. But it wasn’t until 2014 that I decided to give back what it had given me. Starting with small performances in and around Kigali, I honed my lyrical skills and collaborated with artists from different musical genres like Naason Soliste and others around me.
These experiences culminated in the production of my debut album in 2019.

Today, armed with my experiences and after a forced break due to the slowdown in the entertainment industry in 2020, I’m back on stage and in the studio to work on my second album.
My motivation comes from “liveliness”: the heart of all life. For me, every living thing brings its own vibe and harmony, and as I move through the world, they resonate deep within me and inspire my sound.
I want to spread love and unity through reggae and dancehall throughout Rwanda. It’s about togetherness, especially for the youth. Singing isn’t just about feeling good, it’s a healing force that sets your soul free. It’s like a key to inner peace… a way to find your freedom.